Diabetes Education at SHS
1311 N. Mildred Road, Cortez, CO
970-564-2275 phone
970-564-2274 fax
Jenny Nuuttila, RDN, CDCES, CNSC
Certified Diabetes Education Care & Specialist
Research shows that lifestyle modifications, including diet and exercise, are the most effective things you can do to regulate your blood sugar. Southwest Health System offers nationally recognized and approved diabetes education. This Diabetes Self-Management Education program is designed to help those who have diabetes obtain knowledge and skills to help them become healthier. We offer free diabetes classes throughout the year. These help community members living with diabetes learn diabetes management skills.
Individual sessions
Meet with a diabetes educator for individualized sessions. These can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual.
A referral from the patient’s provider is required.
Group sessions
Six-week diabetes class. Topics include:
- Understanding diabetes and monitoring blood sugars
- Healthy eating and carbohydrate counting
- Medications and physical activity
- High and low blood sugar management
- Understanding diabetes-related complications
- Living with diabetes
A referral from the participant’s provider is not required to attend these diabetes classes. Anyone can participate.
Pre-diabetes classes
Group setting in which participants discuss risk factors and healthy behaviors need to manage pre-diabetes and possibly prevent or delay the onset of Type 2 diabetes.
A referral from the participants provider is not required. Anyone can attend.
Diabetes support group
An opportunity for people with any type of diabetes to learn new information and share their experiences to help them manage living with diabetes.
A participant does not need a referral from their provider. Anyone can attend. Meets on the first Tuesday each month at 3:30 pm.
Are you ready to take charge of your diabetes? Ask your healthcare provider if one-on-one sessions, Diabetes Self Management Education classes, or a support group might be right for you. Contact Jenny Nuuttila.
Local Support for People with Diabetes
Are you or someone you know diabetic? A support group for individuals with diabetes meets nearby! Join us the first Tuesday of every month from 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. in the Kiva Room (Room 209 east end of the 2nd floor) at Southwest Memorial Hospital. Learn how to effectively manage your health concerns. Share ideas with others at these informative, informal meetings. Sessions are free and open to anyone with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Contact Jenny Nuuttila at 970-564-2775 for details.
A diabetic person may feel as if there’s too much to learn. They may feel overwhelmed as a result. You don’t have to do it alone. Join our free support group where you will receive help. Topics include:
- What diabetes means to you and your loved ones
- How to remain emotionally healthy
- Best nutritional practices for your lifestyle
- Exercise and physical fitness for all ages and body types
Teamwork Works
Connect with others with shared experiences so you can obtain better control of your health. Learn to manage blood sugar, improve your quality of life, and be less prone to depression. Because support from others reduces the burden you feel, your self-care is more likely to improve.
Diabetic Support Groups Help You…
- Connect with others who face similar circumstances. It can be isolating to be around well-meaning family and friends because they don’t know exactly what it’s like to be living with diabetes.
- Recognize self-blame. Rather than accuse yourself, you can learn to improve your outlook.
Diabetes Education has more information on how Southwest Health System helps area residents become as healthy as they can be. Additionally, the ADA may provide additional help.

Southwest Memorial Hospital Diabetes Education Program is Accredited by ADCES to Provide Quality Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support
Southwest Memorial Hospital Diabetes Education Program has achieved the significant milestone of accreditation by the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists (ADCES). Accreditation represents a high level of quality and service to the community, and the ability to better meet the needs of Medicare recipients and others affected by diabetes in the Four Corners Region. To see the full Press Release visit our News page. To see local articles visit The Cortez Journal.
Learn More About Nutrition Education Here

Certified Diabetes Care & Education Specialist